
Saturday 12 January 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional: Saturday 12 January ATTEND TO THE WORD by Pastor E. A. Adeboye

By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorize: In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. John 1:4

Read: John 1: 1-4

Bible in one year: 1 Corinthians 7 – 9.

Key point:
When God’s word comes into the heart, it shines inside before it shines outside.

God is light and in Him is no element of darkness (1 John 1:5). The amount of light you have will determine the level of truth you are exposed to.
will also determine how correctly you interpret what you see- Luke "11:35 says,

lf thy whole body therefore be full of tight/ having
  no part dark, the whole shafl be full of tight/ as when
the bright shining of a candte doth give thee light.”

From this we learn that it is the light that is inside of you that determines the light that will radiate outside. If there is no light inside, there will definitely be no light outside. Your focus should not be on the external glow but on the internal build up. After you are born-again, what increase your inner light is your exposure to the Word. John 1:4 says the life of God is the same as the light of men. If you allow the life of God - God's Word to grow on your inside, you will sooner than later, knowingly or unknowingly begin shine for men to see (Matthew 5:16).

The reason many believers are not shinning today because they are empty of the life of God. Some think the are wasting the time spent with the Word. Oh how wrong! If you can wake up at night to regularly study God's Word, meditate on it, and live it out in the day, without doubt what you have inside of you will spill out. Moreover, we learn also that it is when the light within spills out that it will overcome the darkness in the world. The truth is that to
many Christians have too little of God's life on their inside, hence they have remained victims of the powers of darkness. No human being can conquer the powers of darkness on their own. It takes the light of God radiating from your inside to do this. If you understand this seers and begin to give God's Word a prime place in your lift you will suddenly begin to dominate the forces that on had you defeated. Give time to the Word of life. Many people can spend hours discussing or reading about what cannot add value to their today or tomorrow, yet, they give every excuse under the sun for not giving the Word sufficient time and attention. What a waste! From today give due diligence to the Word and begin to shine in your corner.


  1. Join me to pray for grace to help us dig deeper into the word of life on daily basis.

  2. Receive the grace to dig deeper into God's word in Jesus name. And as you do so, may you be lifted daily in His presence, amen.
