
Sunday 27 January 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 27 January 2013 LOVE HARNESSES RESOURCES By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 27 January 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise Colossians 1:8 

Read: Exodus 17: 8-13

Bible in one year: Phillipians 1-4

Prayer point: Father, let the prayer of Jesus on unity in the Body of Christ come to pass. Lord, give me the love that I lack to enable me fit in to the body of Christ.

Of the three orders which soldiers of the Cross of Jesus have received, the Command to love one another ¡s the greatest and most challenging. Many people are working under superiors who they can clearly tell do not like their guts, yet, they have to love them and pray for them even when they sit on their promotion or deny them benefits due to them. May God give you the grace to love the unlovable in Jesus name. Love is the greatest because if we lack it ¡n our midst, we will surely be defeated by our external foes. If love ¡s ¡n place, we will be able to work together as a team, peacefully and in one accord. No satanic force can defeat us if we are in one accord. For instance, when Moses, Aaron and Hur harnessed their resources together, they fought as one and overcame the army of Amalek as seen ¡n today's reading. If you cannot harness the human resources that God has given to you as a leader, ¡t will be difficult to achieve your purpose or God-given goal. To do this, you may have to set aside your  differences or points of arguments and focus on the common goal. Make God’s purpose your top priority!
“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence .“ Colossians 1:18
Jesus must be number One. The kingdom of God must be given top priority. Christ must be preeminent ¡n everything, not any man, not any leader! Unfortunately, within the Body of Christ, there are some people who like to have preeminence. They are the likes of Diotrephes who ignored the apostle of love - John the Beloved (3 john 9). Such people want to always be where things are happening. They may lobby for certain positions or assignments that will make them to be seen as relevant. They will want to take the glory for all they achieve and even what they have contributed nothing to If they are not in a committee, they will fight and condemn it. They will paint a picture as ¡f a project succeeded only because they were there. These are babies and very carnally minded people. Such people may not make it to Heaven but if they do, they may not have any reward since they loved men’s praise and they have received ¡t. If you are like this, repent today!

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