Friday, 31 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 31 May 2013 HE FEELS LIKE YOU DO By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 31 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorize: “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin” Hebrews 4:15
Read: Acts 9:1-6
Bible in one year:  Colossians 3-4
Prayer point: Father, grant me the full benefits of being the apple of Your eyes
If you are the apple of God’s eyes, you will be required to channel God’s love to those who are hurting. According to 1 john 4:78, this includes fellow believers; else you cannot claim to even know God. That is part of your responsibility, ¡t is an obligation. Being the apple of God’s eyes does not start and end with obligations, there are benefits, rights and privileges that accrue from this relationship with God. If somebody ¡s playing with you, the fellow can hit almost any part of your body, but not your eyes. Anyone who touches your eyes is out to provoke you. If you are the apple of God’s eyes, whoever touches you, touches God, and is playing with the Consuming Fire. 
“ In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old” Isaiah 63:9
This verse tells us that the Lord suffers whenever the apple of His eyes is suffering. He  does not just show sympathy . but He empathizes! A man and his eyes are one. If you hurt the eye of an individual, he will feel it throughout his whole body. If you feel that something is getting towards your eyes, what will you do? Even without thinking, you will not wait for ¡t to get there before you dodge or block ¡t. In Acts 9:1 -6, when Saul was heading for Damascus to touch the apples of God’s eyes, the Lord met him on the way and arrested him. God preempted Saul on that journey and asked why he was persecuting Him. Anyone touching you ¡s touching the Lord. Whatever you are going through, He is going through it with you. Hebrews 4:15 says He feels your infirmities and trials; hence He wants you to communicate with Him over any disturbing situation so that He can take it away. God stands by the apple of His eyes to any extent. Beloved, God is with vou.  He feels exactly what you feel He has a stake in shat concerns you. Being the apple of His eyes, He knows most  of what you are suffering ¡s because of His name you bear. He will uphold you. He  will stop your enemies before they : itch their evil plans against you Remember, He loves you.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Wednesday 29 May 2013 ABRAHAM RESTITUTED By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Wednesday 29 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: Giving no offence in any thing; that the ministry be not blamed
Read: Genesis 13:14-18
Bible in one year:  Ezekiel 46-48
Key point: If you harbor a pending restitution, your progress will be impeded

Besides restituting in the areas of robbing people, lying concerning certain issues, etc., we need to also restitute in our dealings with God. This relates to instructions He has given to us. For instance, in Genesis 12:1-3, God made some powerful promises to Abraham subject to only three conditions. He fulfilled two of the conditions and felt the third one was unnecessary. In fact, he thought people will call him names for sending away his late brother’s son from living with him. By so doing, he mixed his petrol (gas) with water and everything began to go wrong. One day, as the problem became exacerbated and was now affecting peace ¡n his home, he realised what he did and asked Lot to separate from him. In Genesis 1 3:1 4-1 8, after that restitution, God resumed with him from where he stopped some 1 3 years earlier. In other words, his refusal to obey the third condition only fixed him on the same spot for that long! Beloved, as long as there is water in your petrol (gas), you might not hear from God. Have you stopped hearing from God and it bothers you? Check your life for any pending restitution and immediately settle the issue. Have you obeyed God in certain areas but failed to do so in one or more areas? Go and restitute today so that you can begin to make progress at the rate God intended for you. If you pay your tithes and offerings and the blessings are not coming, there may be some restitution hiding somewhere which you need to make. Until his restitution, Abraham’s beautiful wife that was a source of his joy became a source of sorrow as he ran from famine. He lost his wife and could have been killed but for God’s mercy. If you are constantly getting into trouble, find out if there is a pending restitution.

Monday, 27 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Monday 27 May 2013 SIGNS ARE LIMITED By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Monday 27 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “For we walk by faith and not by sight2” Corinthians 5:7
Read: Matthew 7:21-23
Bible in one year:  Ezekiel 40-42
Key point: Believers who often run after miracles from place to place end up as preys of satan. Pursue Jesus and you will find Him.
Signs and Wonders are important for church growth. Yet, as great as they are, they have their limitations. A Christian ¡s called to a life of faith not a life controlled by sight. Signs and wonders are primarily meant for unbelievers while believers are expected to believe even without seeing. To Unbelievers, seeing is believing hut to his followers, Jesus says: 
“if you believe then you will see” (John 1 1 :40). 
That is pure faith! In other words,  as a believer, it ¡s your faith that will bring your expectation into reality. So, if you lack faith in God in a particular area of life, you may not see anything. Signs and wonders have their limitations hence you need to reorder your priorities in line with the reality of God’s word. For instance, it is possible to perform miracles and be unable to make it to Heaven (Matthew 7:2 1 23). Some bona fide servants of God who walked ¡n the miraculous are ¡n hell, and many more will join them because of pride. What brought Lucifer down ¡f not pride? if you cannot ask God to clothe you with humility and meekness while He is performing signs and wonders through you, then it ¡s safer to let the power go. Some anointed of God who are Operating in signs and wonders but are secretly Sinning, unfortunately believe all ¡s well because some miracles still attend their ministry. All is not well! In his backslidden state, Eli still made a prophetic declaration Concerning Hannah at Shiloh and it came to pass. But how did he end his life? If you are living in secret sin but still see miracles being  performed through you, you ought to be really scared. Such miracles can never take you to Heaven. It ¡s holiness and purity of heart that will. Moreover, the devil can perform magic. Not every prophet ¡s of God even when they claim to heal the sick and perform miracles. Some believers, ¡n their desperate search for miracles have ended up with magic. Everyone who receives magic from Satan comes under his control and manifestation whether they know it or not and whether they like it or not. Have you received something from $at1in? Return it today!.

Friday, 24 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 24 May 2013 SURRENDER ALL By Pastor E. A. Adeboye


Memorise: “But what things were gain to me; those I counted loss for Christ” Philippians 3:7
Read: Philippians 3:4-8
Bible in one year:  Ezekiel 31-33
Key point: The simplest way to get everything God can offer you is by offering him everything you have including your will.
Dedication is sustaining your effort on an increasing level over a given assignment, until it is done. On the other hand consecration is to surrender all-to put in all it takes — prayer, energy, talents, connections and everything. It is to be committed to something without reservation — to be wholly devoted to a cause. In Philippians 1 :2 1 , Paul said:
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” 
By this Paul was saying whether alive or dead, his life revolves around Jesus Christ. The disciples of Jesus Christ left everything in order to follow the Lord. What have you left to follow Him? How consecrated are you to the Lord after singing for years: ‘Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to Thee’?
A classic example of consecration in scriptures is the three Hebrew children — Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They humbly but boldly looked up at the king and said, ‘Oh king, long may you rule! On the matter of idolatry, we will not compromise our stand by violating the commandment of our God. He is able to deliver us; but even if he is not willing to deliver us now, we really do not mind because we are ready to burn in your fire than to violate His Word’.
A female evangelist went to preach in a village in East Africa. Thereafter, she decided to do the same in the next village. She was told that going there was very dangerous as she faced the risk of being eaten by lions on the way. Yet she was not deterred. Then an old man offered to go with her. He told her lions will only attack if they are hungry so he decided to be food for the lions by going ahead of her so that she can safely get to that village. This is consecration! in those days, consecration was rife among Christians, but today, it appears it has disappeared from the registers of most Christians. To surrender all means to give your spouse, children, reputation and wealth to the Lord. When someone heard that I had left my job as a lecturer to become a pastor, he said he was not surprised because Mathematicians are crazy people, and that I was simply Manifesting that madness. Have you surrendered all? 

Thursday, 23 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Thursday 23 May 2013 CLEAN ENOUGH? By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Thursday 23 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her; be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord.” Isaiah 52:11
Read: Zechariah 3:1-7
Bible in one year:  Ezekiel 28-30
Key point: All round cleanliness is required to relate with God as His representative.
In today’s Bible reading, we read of how Joshua the high priest, who was both a representative of God and a divine champion, was standing before an angel, putting on filthy garments. You would notice that Gods attention was focused on the dressing of His priest. Some people tell us today that since the inward appearance is more important to God, we should play down the outward appearance. The truth ¡s they are both important before God. If you are God’s representative, God is interested in your inner beauty as well as your outward dressing. God wants to know whether your physical clothes are clean or dirty. If .you are a Christian but you are dirty, you need reorientation and renewal of your mind. Some sisters leave their hair unkempt and unwashed until it begins to breed lice. Some brothers will wear the same boxers for one or two weeks. Some people do not have their bath or even brush their teeth in the name of fasting. No wonder whenever they are doing a private fast the whole world knows. What is keeping God and His favour away from some of His children is not sin but dirt. Demons are spiritually unclean beings so they flock around where there is sin and dirt. If you visit the houses of some people, dirty clothes will adorn the settees. You will have to wait for them to move the clothes off before you find space to sit down. Some people will eat and pile up dirty plates until there is no clean plate. Even when they give you what they claim to have washed, you will still see traces of food sticking to the plates, cups, cutlery and pots. If you are a dirty person, ¡t will show wherever you go. Some people take their dirty habits to church. They will litter where they sit with sweet wrappers, water sachets, and empty water bottles etc. instead of disposing them properly. Personal hygiene is very important both for healthy living as well as for relating with God and man. Are you keeping God far away from you by being unhygienic?

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Wednesday 22 May 2013 DANCING FOR YOUR OWNER By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Wednesday 22 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.” 2 Samuel 6:14
Read: 2 Samuel 6:12-16
Bible in one year:  Ezekiel 25-27
Key point: If you cannot dance for God, who els will you dance for?

Beside standing and lifting up holy hands and going on your knees, you can also dance in worship of the Most High God. When the African dog is wagging its tail at its owner, ¡t ¡s acknowIedging its owner. So when you dance before God with all your heart, you are  acknowledging God as your owner. This does not ¡nclude sexually provocative dancing. Some ladies dance to attract men and vice versa while some others dance to please God. Let your dance glorify God. l(you truly dance to please the Lord, aknowledging Him as your owner and thanking Him with all your heart, you will not leave His presence empty. You will leave with a load of His presence I and power. Also, the way you react when you receive news of a Kingdom victory is an indicator of whether the direction of flow of your heart mirrors that God. How do you feel when you hear that a soul has just been saved? If you ask how the Lord feels, you can be sure that Heaven will declare a party and they will be dancing to God’s glory including Jesus Christ Himself. For just one soul! Then what do you think will happen when 1 0, 1 00, 500, 1 000 or 10,000 souls are won to Him in a day? How do you feel? Has such Kingdom news ever made you dance?
“And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.” 2 Samuel 6:14
When the captured Ark of the Covenant was brought back to Israel, King David danced with all his might. He laid aside his position as king and danced as a subject of the King of kings. He did not know when he put aside his robe that was hindering him from dancing, and he began to leap and dance as a ‘commoner’ before Israel. It ¡s even possible he did some acrobatic display. David truly was a man after God’s heart! He did not care about the opinions of men hut of God. The truth ¡s, when a king ¡s before the King of kings, he must forget his position and pay due homage to Him who enthroned him. Are you too refined, too cultured, or too honourable to dance for your Owner?

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Tuesday 21 May 2013 FAVOUR ERADICATES EMPTINESS By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Tuesday 21 May 2013
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “And I will give these people favour in the sight of all Egyptians; and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty” Exodus 3:21
Read: Exodus 3:21-22
Bible in one year:  Ezekiel 22-24
Prayer point: Father, let your favour completely swallow every emptiness in my life.
The trial of your faith is very important as it plays a major role in your life. Nobody knows it all nor is fully prepared for what God wants to use him or her for. This is why God sometimes uses trials to prune us and bea.t us into shape so that we can conform to His will. In any trial you face, may God’s purpose for taking you through it be accomplished in Jesus name.
“And I will give this people favour in the sight of all Egyptians: and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty:” Exodus 3:21
After the trial of your faith, comes the release of God’s  favour. One benefit of favour is that it prevents emptiness in the life of its beneficiary. For over 400 years, the Israelites laboured without pay, and there was no way they could take their oppressors to court. But the night God released favour to them after the Holy Communion, the curse of emptiness was totally destroyed from their lives. There are some people who have laboured for months or even years without pay. They could not take legal action against their oppressors. In some cases, some of those oppressors are fellow believers and even ministers of God who refuse to pay workers their dues. This is a situation of emptiness. It is a curse and not a blessing. If you are going through this, the Lord will terminate that situation in your life this season, and His favour will deliver what is pending to you. There is a User of this Devotional, for about three years, you laboured but could not take of the fruit. Congratulations! God has just smiled on you with His favour. What has been pending shall be speedily delivered to you. As you receive it, go and give thanks to God in your local parish and share your testimony to encourage others. Where there is no favour, there is bound to be emptiness, but when there is favour, emptiness ceases and abundance comes In. This season, abundance shall take over from the emptiness you have suffered in Jesus name. It is your season of favour.

Monday, 20 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Monday 20 May 2013 SIGNS STOP OPPONENTS By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Monday 20 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “Behold, I and the children whom the LORD has given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel, form the LORD of Hosts, which dwelleth in Mount Zion” Isaiah 8:18
Read: Acts 13:6-12
Bible in one year:  Psalm 22-24
Action point: If antagonists of the Gospel experience a sign, they will change. Ask that the antagonists of the Gospel will experience the wonder that would move them from their evil path.
Signs and wonders have a way of instigating faith and compelling belief. You cannot tell the impact just One sign or miracle will have on the assignment of a church, particularly if it is a notable or spectacular miracle. For instance, in the early church, when signs and wonders were wrought by the hands of the apostles, great multitudes were converted to the Christian faith (Acts 5:12-14). You need the power of the Holy Spirit in order to demonstrate to unbelievers that our God still performs wonders. In the life of a user of this Devotional, the Lord is beginning a spate of signs and wonders that will draw many to His kingdom. When the Lord does this, share your testimony and give God all the glory. You are for signs and wonders from now on. Even your children will begin to testify of the wonders that God will be performing through them.
In a meeting of apostles that was held some years ago, someone made a particular remark. He said that here in Africa we go for signs whereas they in the developed countries go for wisdom, as if we were focusing on the wrong thing. I replied that we go for signs and our churches are overflowing with people, but they go for wisdom and their churches are empty. In Acts 13:6-12, while preaching to a governor, a sorcerer tried to disturb the message, Paul simply commanded him to be blind for a period. The sorcerer left their presence blind. When the governor saw this, he immediately accepted Jesus. Even today, there are many agents of darkness like the sorcerer who do everything to hinder the spread of the Gospel. If you put the power of the Spirit to play and a wonder takes place, nothing will hinder those you are preaching to. Sometimes, you need the power to demonstrate the superiority of God’s power above contending powers. When this is done, God’s Kingdom will record a great harvest like on Mount Carmel. In addition, you and your family need signs and wonders. When the enemies try to hurt you but fail according to the promise in Isaiah 54:1 7, it is a glorious experience as they may end up surrendering to you, and asking to be introduced to your God. Ask God to manifest His power in your life as never before.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 19 May 2013 BE FERVENT IN SERVICE By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 19 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” Romans 12:11
Read: Romans 12:10-11
Bible in one year:  Psalms 19-21
Action point: Prayerfully pick 5 non committed members of your church and follow them up until they are fully committed.
Another mark of a committed believer is commitment to God’s work. You cannot be in your Father’s house just warming the bench or pew while others are very busy. The committed believer is too happy to take on a task for the Master. If you want to frustrate such an individual, take away the assignment he or she was given, and it will seem his or her life is about to crash. This is so because the life of the committed revolves around service to the Most High God. Even when such fellow offends and is disciplined, it will be glaring to all that the fellow is going through an unpleasant moment. Did you say you are committed to God? Then what are you doing for God? You can’t be idle in God’s house and be committed. The committed does not choose tasks to be done. Send the fellow to stand outside the gate as a security personnel, he will be happy. Ask him to go and join sanitation workers where he will be cleaning toilets, he will be glad. The way he will handle tasks look down upon by most people, will elicit interest in other people about that task. Are you committed to God? In addition to working for God, when the committed believer works for God, his target is nothing less than excellence. He wants to do the work in such a way that will glorify God. Do you know you can do God’s work shoddily, and in the process stir up God’s anger against you? Our Lord Jesus Christ served God with passion. His zeal was overwhelming. If you met Jesus doing something, you will be attracted to join Him because He did it from His heart, with zeal and passion so that the Father may be glorified. The focus of the committed is the One who commissioned him. How do you handle divine assignments? Are you selective or do you happily take on whatever God assigns to you through your pastor? If you have been running from serving God, stop running! Ask God for forgiveness and inform your pastor that you are flow ready to serve God. He will lead you on how to become relevant in God’s house.

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 19 May 2013 BE FERVENT IN SERVICE By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 19 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” Romans 12:11
Read: Romans 12:10-11
Bible in one year:  Psalms 19-21
Action point: Prayerfully pick 5 non committed members of your church and follow them up until they are fully committed.
Another mark of a committed believer is commitment to God’s work. You cannot be in your Father’s house just warming the bench or pew while others are very busy. The committed believer is too happy to take on a task for the Master. If you want to frustrate such an individual, take away the assignment he or she was given, and it will seem his or her life is about to crash. This is so because the life of the committed revolves around service to the Most High God. Even when such fellow offends and is disciplined, it will be glaring to all that the fellow is going through an unpleasant moment. Did you say you are committed to God? Then what are you doing for God? You can’t be idle in God’s house and be committed. The committed does not choose tasks to be done. Send the fellow to stand outside the gate as a security personnel, he will be happy. Ask him to go and join sanitation workers where he will be cleaning toilets, he will be glad. The way he will handle tasks look down upon by most people, will elicit interest in other people about that task. Are you committed to God? In addition to working for God, when the committed believer works for God, his target is nothing less than excellence. He wants to do the work in such a way that will glorify God. Do you know you can do God’s work shoddily, and in the process stir up God’s anger against you? Our Lord Jesus Christ served God with passion. His zeal was overwhelming. If you met Jesus doing something, you will be attracted to join Him because He did it from His heart, with zeal and passion so that the Father may be glorified. The focus of the committed is the One who commissioned him. How do you handle divine assignments? Are you selective or do you happily take on whatever God assigns to you through your pastor? If you have been running from serving God, stop running! Ask God for forgiveness and inform your pastor that you are flow ready to serve God. He will lead you on how to become relevant in God’s house.

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 19 May 2013 BE FERVENT IN SERVICE By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 19 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” Romans 12:11
Read: Romans 12:10-11
Bible in one year:  Psalms 19-21
Action point: Prayerfully pick 5 non committed members of your church and follow them up until they are fully committed.
Another mark of a committed believer is commitment to God’s work. You cannot be in your Father’s house just warming the bench or pew while others are very busy. The committed believer is too happy to take on a task for the Master. If you want to frustrate such an individual, take away the assignment he or she was given, and it will seem his or her life is about to crash. This is so because the life of the committed revolves around service to the Most High God. Even when such fellow offends and is disciplined, it will be glaring to all that the fellow is going through an unpleasant moment. Did you say you are committed to God? Then what are you doing for God? You can’t be idle in God’s house and be committed. The committed does not choose tasks to be done. Send the fellow to stand outside the gate as a security personnel, he will be happy. Ask him to go and join sanitation workers where he will be cleaning toilets, he will be glad. The way he will handle tasks look down upon by most people, will elicit interest in other people about that task. Are you committed to God? In addition to working for God, when the committed believer works for God, his target is nothing less than excellence. He wants to do the work in such a way that will glorify God. Do you know you can do God’s work shoddily, and in the process stir up God’s anger against you? Our Lord Jesus Christ served God with passion. His zeal was overwhelming. If you met Jesus doing something, you will be attracted to join Him because He did it from His heart, with zeal and passion so that the Father may be glorified. The focus of the committed is the One who commissioned him. How do you handle divine assignments? Are you selective or do you happily take on whatever God assigns to you through your pastor? If you have been running from serving God, stop running! Ask God for forgiveness and inform your pastor that you are flow ready to serve God. He will lead you on how to become relevant in God’s house.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Saturday 18 May 2013 BE FEVERENT IN SERVICE By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Saturday 18 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” Romans 12:11
Read: Romans 12:10-11
Bible in one year:  Psalms 19-21
Action point: Prayerfully pick 5 non committed members of your church and follow them up until they are fully committed.
Another mark of a committed believer is commitment to God’s work. You cannot be in your Father’s house just warming the bench or pew while others are very busy. The committed believer is too happy to take on a task for the Master. If you want to frustrate such an individual, take away the assignment he or she was given, and it will seem his or her life ¡s about to crash. This is so because the life of the committed revolves around service to the Most High God. Even when such fellow offends and is disciplined, it will be glaring to all that the fellow is going through an unpleasant moment. Did you say you are committed to God? Then what are you doing for God? You can’t be idle in God’s house and be committed. The committed does not choose tasks to be done. Send the fellow to stand outside the gate as a security personnel, he will be happy. Ask him to go and join sanitation workers where he will be cleaning toilets, he will be glad. The way he will handle tasks look down upon by most people, will elicit interest in other people about that task. Are you committed to God? In addition to working for God, when the committed believer works for God, his target is nothing less than excellence. He wants to do the work in such a way that will glorify God. Do you know you can do God’s work shoddily, and ¡n the process stir up God’s anger against you? Our Lord Jesus Christ served God with passion. His zeal was overwhelming. If you met Jesus doing something, you will be attracted to join Him because He did it from His heart, with zeal and passion so that the Father may be glorified. The focus of the committed is the One who commissioned him. How do you handle divine assignments? Are you selective or do you happily take on whatever God assigns to you through your pastor? If you have been running from serving God, stop running! Ask God for forgiveness and inform your pastor that you are flow ready to serve God. He will lead you on how to become relevant in God’s house.

Friday, 17 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 17 May 2013 HE DOES THE IMPOSSIBLE By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 17 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “So is my Word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11
Read: Isaiah 55:10-11
Bible in one year:  Psalms 16-18
Prayer point: “Father frustrate, disappoint and paralyse every satanic plot to make your good Word redundant concerning me and my situation
God’s Word ¡s full of power. When He speaks, it is done. Once God speaks, the impossible will immediately become possible because every Word of God contains enough power to actualise what the Word ¡s meant to do. Hence Isaiah 55:10-11 says God’s Word cannot return empty to Him. In the name of Jesus, every good prophetic word that has been sent into your life shall not return empty to God, but fulfill its mission.
Sometime ago, one of my daughters came to tell me she was three months pregnant. I congratulated her but she said she came because she wanted the baby to be a girl. I told her that from the little science I know, whether a child will be a boy or girl will be determined within 72 hours of conception. She protested saying that that was not what I earlier taught them, that I had taught them with God all things are possible. She simply requested for me to agree with her that the baby will be a girl. We prayed that prayer of agreement and six months after, the baby girl came. Just recently, the girl was given out in marriage. The above testimony triggered another. A particular female medical doctor whose husband was also a medical doctor, was eight months pregnant with a fifth child after having had four daughters. She heard the sister’s testimony and came to me. She said her husband’s relatives who were desperately in need of a boy, had threatened that if the fifth baby was a girl, they would chase her out of her matrimonial home. Her request was for her eight months old baby to become a boy. I told her being a medical doctor, she should know better, but she said she had not come for science but as a result of the other sister’s testimony she heard. So we agreed. A month later, the baby boy was delivered. What ¡s that situation that appears impossible to men? It ¡s not impossible to God. Mention that urgent need of your life that does not violate God’s word and will glorify God. I join my faith with yours today and decree that the Lord shall establish ¡t speedily and you shall testify. But ¡f that desire ¡n any way violates God Word or will, ¡t shall not be honoured.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Thursday 16 May 2013 YOU ARE GOD’S EYES By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Thursday 16 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “So shall they be life unto thy soul and grace unto thy neck” Proverbs 3:22
Read:  Daniel 2:19-23
Bible in one year:  Psalm 13-15
Prayer point: Father, thank You for making me Your eyes. Lord, help me to perform my role as Your eyes to the nations.

In Psalm 17:8, while receiving terrible attacks from deadly enemies, David asked God to protect him as the apple of His eyes. The eyes can serve as a window to the heart. To read a man’s heart, you do not need to look at his mouth but his eyes. Why? The mouth could be saying one thing but the eyes would be saying something different. Usually, what the eyes say is most likely true. In the same vein, God wants the world to read His mind by focusing or studying us believers His eyes. May you not fail God in this special assignment. In Genesis 41 :1 4-36, Pharaoh had dreams but needed the apple of God’s eyes —Joseph, to provide the interpretation. Similarly, King Nebuchadnezzar had dreams in Daniel 2:19-23, 4:19-27 and 5:10Å“29, but could not interpret them until he looked at the apple of God’s eyes — Daniel. There are certain truths and understanding about God some people may never have until they set their eyes on you. But the question ¡s: when they look at you, will they be able to read the mind of God?
One of the duties of the Holy Spirit is to show us future events (John 1 6:1 3). He searches God’s heart and correctly reveals to us what God is thinking about us. Amos 3:7 says before God does a thing, He would have first revealed it to His prophets. If you want to know the mind of God concerning an issue, you will be required to look through His eyes — His prophets. This does not mean that until you are tagged a prophet before God can reveal His secrets to you. There are many people who have a close walk with God that receive more heavenly secrets than some who are called prophets and prophetesses. It you are truly saved, baptised in the Holy Spirit and you allow the Holy Spirit have His way in your life. Be prepared to share in His secrets. You are Gods eyes and just as tears flow through the eyes so does God want to express His feelings through us.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Wednesday15 May 2013 STANDING BECAUSE OF OTHERS By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Wednesday16 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “It is good neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine; nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak” Romans 14:21
Read: Romans 14:15-21
Bible in one year:  Psalms 10-12
Action point: Pray that every Christian leader with sizeable following will not err from the right path. Also ask that those that have erred and are misleading others will return to the right path.
A divine champion represents his God, nation and family. Your success or otherwise as a representative affects those you represent. This ¡s exemplified by football competitions where two competing nations are each represented by a team of 11 players. If any team wins, the country that they represent ¡s said to have won, likewise ¡f they fail, their country has failed. in 1 Samuel 17:51, when the champion of the Philistines died, the rest of the Philistine army took to their heels. Their high hopes and expectations disappeared when they lost their champion. Just one man died and a whole nation fled. When the enemies captured Samson in Judges 16:23-24, they said their god had delivered him into their hands. In other words, there was an invisible contest between their god and Samson’s God and the former defeated the latter. As a minister or child of God, you represent the Most High God. As a result, every time you fail, you could cause people to say your God has failed. The truths enunciated above have certain implications for believers today. The first ¡s that your victory or defeat goes far beyond you. There are too many people waiting to see the end of your trial of faith. If you quit or fail, you may be sending the wrong signals to spectators whose spiritual lives depend on it. Also, when confronted with a battle, let your desire to win be for your God and not necessarily for yourself. If your expected victory is tied up with God, it will come easily because He will put His weight behind it. Another implication here is that leaders as divine champions must be very careful so as not to fall. Why? First for the sake of their own soul and for the stability of the faith of those they are leading. This ¡s why it ¡s advisable to avoid anything that can lead your members and young converts astray, even when you have a legitimate right to ¡t. This means as a divine champion, you put God first and think of others before yourself. How have OU been faring as a divine champion?

Monday, 13 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 13 May 2013 SALT OF THE EARTH By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 13 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.” John 4:48
Read: Acts 5: 12-16
Bible in one year:  Psalms 1-3
Action point: Ask God for spectacular miracles in your local assembly. Pray that uncommon signs and wonder will be done by the hands of God’s children worldwide.

To soar above the heights as a divine eagle, you need to fly with both wings by combining wisdom with miracles. Matthew 28:18 says Jesus has received all power while Colossians 1:27 says Christ in us ¡s the hope of glory. Armed with this knowledge, we should manifest the power that Jesus has received, since He ¡s inside of us.
Why do we need signs and wonders ¡n our churches today?
“Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.” John 4:48
Signs and wonders facilitate the conversion of sinners. In Isaiah 7:1 4, the Lord gave His people the sign of a virgin conceiving the Saviour. This means God is not against signs. God uses signs to bring convictions and to fortify faith. When I newly became the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God in 1981, several people believed that I was not chosen by God, but that my appointment was all a manipulation. Then the Lord began to give them signs. In those days, we used to hold a monthly seminar. Then it happened that every first day of every seminar, we must have a baby which would always be a boy.
Isaiah 8:1 8 says we are for signs and wonders wherever we find ourselves as children of God. Signs and wonders were common place in the ministry of the apostles, particularly
Peter. After the Holy Spirit’s decent in Acts 2:1-41 , they were so filled with power that with one simple message from Peter, 3000 souls were won. In Acts 3:1-11 , another sign the healing of the lame man at the Beautiful Gate took place. Then another sermon from Peter convened 5000 souls all from one remarkable miracle Acts 4:4. By the time a lying couple died prematurely, great multitude joined the Early church (Acts 5:1 21 6. If your church ís not growing the way ¡t should, it may be a pointer to your need for signs and wonders. Ask that God will perform the signs and wonders that will bring great crowds to Jesus in your local assembly.

Friday, 10 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 10 May 2013 SALT OF THE EARTH By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 10 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.: Matthew 5:13
Read: Acts 27:20-25
Bible in one year:  1Peter 3-6
Prayer point: Father, help me to live as salt of the earth. Make my life impactful.

When God looked upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, He said that if He could just  count 10 tiny lights, He would spare them (Genesis18:20-32). Although every country has her peculiar problems, one of the greatest challenge is the inability of the lights in those countries to shine as lights. As light, your duty is to shine. Are you shinning in your little corner of the world? Can God s you as a light when He looks at where you are amidst the darkness? May you not fail God in Jesus name. In Matthew 5:1 3, Jesus calls you the salt of the earth. As salt, you are the sweetener He needs to sweeten the earth. This means that your presence alone can make a world of difference in an unpleasant, bitter situation. As sweetener, you can turn curses into blessings. A long standing curse that affected so many lives ¡n Jericho suddenly terminated when a salt of the earth - Elisha stepped into the scene (2 Kings 2:1 9-22). Today, some geographical areas still have a particular curse operating against people from that location. It is the duty of the salt of the earth in those locations to break the curses. What ¡s that persistent ailment or condition that has become a tradition ¡n your family or lineage? Being the salt of the earth, you should research into its origin, make restitution where necessary, take authority in the name of Jesus Christ and break the curse. On Paul’s way to Rome, there was a storm that could have claimed the life of everyone onboard the ship, yet his presence preserved lives (Acts 27:20-25). Your presence ¡n a bus, vehicle, aircraft, train or ship can prevent a fatal accident or preserve lives even when an accident occurs. Those who live near you should be benefiting from your angelic body guards. Your presence in a family or organization can also bring prosperity as was the case with Joseph (Genesis 39:1-6). As the salt of the earth, your life should subtract the evils and add the blessings. Are you truly living as the salt of the earth?

Thursday, 9 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Thursday 9 May 2013 INVITING YOUR SUBSTITUTE? By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Thursday 9 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “And the Lord said unto Samuel, How long will thou mourn for Saul seeing that I have rejected him from reigning over Israel. Fill thy horn with oil, and go; I will send thee to Jesse, the Bethlehemite; for I have provided Me a king among his sons.” 1Samuel 16:1
Read: 1Samuel 15:10-14
Bible in one year:  1Peter 1-2
Prayer point: If you are pleasing God with the assignment He gave you and men decide to chase you out, and God allows them, God will give you something else that is far better that will make them green with envy.
If God should open your eyes to know who could possibly replace you, you will be seriously humbled. Some servants or subordinates that you are Looking down upon today may unknown to them, be your replacements should you fail. You will be shocked that they could do a far better job of the assignments and even succeed where you failed because one way or another, they have been understudying you and learning from your strengths and weaknesses. Has God given you an assignment? Do not joke with it! Strive never to fail God because He has some substitute waiting. This is one thing than keeps me humble having resolved never to be replaced until I finish my course. For this reason also, I will never do anything that will make God to replace me. What about you? If you used to win several souls to the Lord when you newly began the Christian race, but today you do not have time for Gods most important activities; are you not creating room for your replacement? God sent King Saul to completely destroy the Amalekites but he thought he was smart, and decided to eat what was forbidden. Today, some believers and leaders are eating their tithes and that of others, and they think they are smart. No! They are not! Some ministers of God are sparing the Agag they should have destroyed and explaining ¡t away. Some pastors have not only committed adultery, but are keeping a steady immoral relationship with female workers or even wives of members. Why will
God not replace them? Look at your life: what are you doing to provoke God to replace you? Immediately return to Him with fasting and prayer. Make relevant restitutions now and begin to serve, worship and praise Him as you have never done. Beloved, consciously give God reasons why you should not be replaced by a substitute through your new height of love, obedience and service. Some people can never be replaced because of their level of commitment to God. You too can be one of them.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Wednesday 8 May 2013 IS PEACE DWINDLING? By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.” Isaiah 48:18
Read: Isaiah 47:17-19
Bible in one year:  Ruth 1-4
Action point: If your peace is giving way to trouble, there might be some wicked spot in your life. Look diligently to your life and make amends.
If you are able to take care of the problem of sin, it means you have Succeeded in shutting the door against poverty, sickness, defeat, etc. In Joshua 7:10-12, Israel suffered defeat from a weak enemy and Joshua went to the Lord to find out the cause. The Lord told him Israel had sinned and that if they got rid of the sin, victory would be regained. Are you a victim of defeat? Have you fallen face down before your enemies? Have you been unable to pass a particular test or examination? Examine yourself carefully and be sure that sin is not the cause. If it is, repent, and restitute where necessary and go for a return match. The Lord will give you victory in every battle in Jesus name. When sin is gone, peace will come. Hence, Isaiah 48:18 says, 
“O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.”
This tells us that disobedience is what ¡s robbing many of God’s children of their peace and joy. Isaiah 48:22 says, 
“There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.”
This scripture is not restricted to only unbelievers; ¡t also covers believers who venture into acts of wickedness against others. Every time you engage in an act of wickedness, you erode your peace. If you oppress your subodinates, you diminish your peace. And ¡f you persist, your peace will continue to decrease until ¡t gets to a point where there is no more peace in your reserves. At such a point, it will be very difficult to distinguish such a believer from the wicked who does not know God. This means that even though the Lord Jesus has given you peace when you accepted Him according to John 16:33, whether that peace will remain, increase or decrease ¡s dependent on you. Lack of peace can affect one in any area of life. Cheating your fellow brother ¡n a business transaction is at the expense of your peace. Breaking covenants, denying people their rights or entitlements are at the expense of your peace. If you steal what belongs to your neighbour, it ¡s at the expense of your peace. Why lose peace when it can be supplied by doing good to others and increasing their joy?

Monday, 6 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Tuesday 7 May 2013 FAVOUR EARNS TRUST By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

 RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Tuesday 7 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “But the Lord was with Joseph; and shewed him mercy’ and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.” Genesis 39:21
Read: Genesis 39:20-23
Bible in one year:  Judges 19-21
Prayer point: Looking at the life of Jesus, it is obvious that what God wants to do on an international level, he will start at a very little corner.

The favour of God is a manifestation of God’s presence. During his trial, Joseph was sold into slavery but God was with him. If God is with you, wherever you go, He goes. Also, ¡f He is with you, the situation that is trying your faith does not and cannot drive God away from you. Whether you feel Gods presence or not, as long as you are ¡n His will, be rest assured that He is with you. As long as you cling to Him, nothing can separate you from God. This explains why you must seek His presence for the rest of your life.
When God ¡s with you, you will enjoy favour. Favour usually comes with several other benefits. Let us see some of them. From today’s reading, we see that favour makes you to earn people’s trust including that of your enemies. Can you imagine that the chief warder, who was paid by the state to oversee Joseph’s punishment ¡n the prison yard, was the same person who entrusted control of the prison and its occupants to him? Having found favour ¡n his sight, Joseph was no more seen and treated like a prisoner but as an unofficial warder. He suddenly began to trust Joseph. In life, what you will become and even the heights you will attain are partly dependent on how much trust ¡s reposed ¡n you. Will you commit sensitive assignments into the hands of those you do not trust? I doubt ¡t. This season, to reach your goal. you will ride on the trust of people including those meant to supervise your oppression ¡n Jesus name. In additional to this, we see that favour makes men to trust you even to their detriment. If Joseph had released some prisoners into the wild, the government would have held the chief warder responsible. That could have cost him his life. Yet he trusted him to his detriment. In your unpleasant situation. the favour of God will cause men to entrust you with great assignments. They will entrust more responsibilities to you including their lives without knoswing what is motivating them to do so. On the other hand, are you trustworthy?

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Monday 5 May 2013 THE CRUCIAL COMBINATION By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Monday 5 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: But unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks; Christ the Power of God and the Wisdom of God” 1Corinthians 1:24
Read: 1Corinthians 1:21-24
Bible in one year:  Judges 16-18
Prayer point: Father, fully equip me as Your servant in these last days
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are to be used to bring profit to the Kingdom of God by those who have them. They also make the life of those who possess them profitable. One thing we can learn from the life of Joseph is that the gifts helped him to fulfill his destiny. He was able to interpret the dreams which moved him from prison to the throne. Even Moses was able to endure the hardship he went through because he saw the invisible. The Lord will open your eyes to see the invisible and help you to fulfill your destiny. In the story of the two disciples heading for Emmaus recorded in the Luke 24:30-35, we were told that they were with Jesus but they could not recognise Him. This means your physical eyes may be good but if you lack spiritual eyes, you may fail to see what you need to see which can change your life. Until the Lord went with them and broke bread with them, their eyes remained closed. There is something, your eyes need to see in order to positively affect your destiny. Until you see it, you may remain on the same spot for long. In the name of Jesus, that thing you need to see that will positively change your destiny shall be unveiled to you this season. Isaiah 40:31 says those who wait on the Lord will not only exchange their weakness for His strength, but also soar like eagles. This year, you will soar like a divine eagle. But with what do eagles fly? They soar with two wings, not one. Any eagle that folds one wing and tries to fly with the other one will lose control of its motion. In the same way, we need two wings to soar: we need signs and wisdom, power and glory, gift and fruit of the Holy Spirit. Some years ago, I preached a sermon —Power and Glory to a small group of Bible study leaders ever before I became the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God. The Bible says Jews seek signs while Greeks seek wisdom. God is not condemning signs but is saying that to successfully transverse this world, every believer in Christ needs both. Some preachers focus on miracles but ignore wisdom. The minister who wants to succeed above his predecessor and still make it to Heaven needs wisdom, sign wonders. Is any of these lacking in your life as a contemporary believer or minister? Ask God to help you today.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Saturday 4 May 2013 HE ALREADY KNOWS By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Saturday 4 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world” Acts 15:18
Read: John 5:2-9
Bible in one year:  Judges 9-12
Prayer point: “From the pit where I am and from the miry clay where I have been, Father lift me up now.
In today’s reading, we are told of how a particular man, 1 by a pool at Jerusalem was healed. He had been there :  for 38 years expecting that one day it would be his turn t to enter into the pool after an angel visits the pool. But on, this fateful day, instead of the angel he was expecting, the Creator of the angel visited him. This season, you will receive a personal visitation from the Most High God. From this story, we can learn a few lessons. The first thing to note here ¡s that Jesus saw him and knew that he had been there for 38 years. God has the ability to see into the past, present and future. Hence, Revelation 1 :8 says, He is both Alpha and Omega. Also, when Jesus arrived at that pool, He saw a crowd of sick people— all waiting like this man to take advantage of each other to first enter into the pool. But the Lord walked straight to him and asked if he wanted to be healed. From this, we clearly see that the r Lord had determined to heal him ever before He left home that day. This clearly shows he already knew the man’s situation of helplessness. Acts 15:18 says, “Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.” God knows you and He is fully acquainted with what you are going through. Are you passing through a situation that people are aware of but they don’t care about? Are you going through something so disgusting that you find it difficult to share it with others, including those who are close to you? God cares. He knows everything about that situation and He loves you. In fact, He knows more than you think you know about the situation the cause, present and future effects, as well as the cure, and much more. More importantly, He wants to do something about it if only you will let Him. Like He asked the man at the pool, so He is asking you today: Do you want to be made whole? In other words, do you want your situation to change? If you do, then let Him into your heart, trust in Him and open up completely to Him. He will surely hear you. God is making a way for you to come out of your unpleasant situation this season.

Friday, 3 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Friday 3 May 2013 THE GOD OF CHOICE By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him; and I will raise him up at the last day” John 6:44
Read: John 6:43-44
Bible in one year:  Judges 5-8
Action point: Thank God for choosing you. Ask that you will never do anything that will make him to regret choosing you.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the God of choice. He came to Abraham’s extended family and chose only him for a special purpose (Genesis1 2:1). Before that time, all we read about him was that he was the son of so and so. We never read that he was holy or that he loved or served the Lord. God just chose him. God did not choose Lot. Abraham came out of an idolatrous home yet God chose him. Similarly, but for the fact that God is a God of choice, there was no way David could ever have become a king. Unfortunately, today, many people think that they got saved by their wisdom, common sense or ability. In John 6:44 we read that it is the Father who pulls those who are saved to Himself. 1f you are saved today, it is because the Father chose you for salvation, after all, it is possible several people heard the same message that you heard, but they refused to surrender to Jesus. A professor once said he gave his life to Christ in the darkness, and that if the electricity company had not cut off power supply, he would not have been able to profess Christ. God chooses who to save and who to bless (Luke. 5:1 -7).
Moreover, God is also a God of promise. In Genesis 12:1-3, God asked Abraham to do three things and thereafter He would do seven things. Abraham would have wondered what he did to provoke such great blessing from God. He does not only make promises but also fulfills them. There are many times men have disappointed us, not necessarily because they planned to, but because what they were expecting never got to their hands. Sometimes, it was a sickness that shook them to the point of nonperformance. In Isaiah 41:10-13, He promises to help you in all areas of your life — academic, financial, spiritual, marital, etc. When He is about to help and somebody plans to obstruct Him, you will just notice that the fellow has been uprooted. No matter how incredible His promises are, just believe and they will surety come to pass.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Thursday 2 May 2013 WATCH YOUR MOTIVES By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Thursday 2 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. Romans 16:17-
Read: Romans 16:17-18
Bible in one year:  Judges 1-4
Action point: If you work hard for God, but with wrong motives, your pregnancy of reward expectations will deliver emptiness in heaven.
Samson was one Bible character who lived in self-will. He was more concerned about himself than the One who called and anointed him. When I studied this character, I discovered that Samson could be said to be among the worst ingrates. Many Christians today are equally ungrateful. When he was bound and brought to the Philistines and the power of God came on him, and he had victory over his enemies, he could not say a thank you. Rather, he attributed the victory to himself. Like Samson, many ministers do not know how to appreciate God. When a past Nigerian military head of state died and the streets were agog with joy, the Lord told me to watch, that not many Nigerians would thank Him. But I replied that I will tell every member of The Redeemed Christian Church of God to thank Him for a new dawn. Do you remember to thank Him for His mercies no matter how little they may be?
Watch your prayers and motives! Are you doing that divine assignment just for Him or for yourself? During the Marriage Super of the Lamb, one criterion that will be used for judging works done for the Lord is the motive. A popular world evangelist once said that some people are good because they cannot afford to be otherwise. Why are you doing that pastoral assignment? Why did you sign up to be a worker in God’s vineyard? When you ask the question ‘why’ concerning works, you will be shocked at your findings. Although people will tell you they are in service for the love of God, you will find some who are there for the praise for men, some to please somebody, while some are ¡n the service because of the honour attached to the office. If your motive is below what God requires, you may lose your works to the testing fire of the Lord. In the same way, if you want to attract great rewards in Heaven, it will depend on your motive. If your motive ¡s
to glorify God and impact or bless the lives of others, you will not go unrewarded. Motive is crucial in rewards. However, because the deed is external while the motive is internal, many people do not care much about serving God right. It is better not to do something good at all than to do ¡t with the wrong motive. Having done it, you will have expectations but they will be disappointed. 

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Wednesday 1 May 2013 DON’T BE DISTRACTED By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Wednesday 1 May 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right down of the Throne of God” Hebrews 12:2
Read: Hebrews 12:1-3
Bible in one year:  Luke 22-24
Prayer point: It is impossible to make Jesus your focus and end up somewhere else. Father, throughout my soujorn on earh, let nothing distract me from focusing on Jesus.
We have seen that in God’s army, God cannot put up with parasites, loafers and deserters. In addition to these, there is no room in God’s army for slothfulness. No earthly army would want to recruit lazy folks, hence they search and screen to select those they want onboard. God does not tolerate lazy soldiers either. If there were members of the Heavenly army that deserve to idle away, it should be members of the Godhead, but they are ever working. John 5:17 says, 
“But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work”
In other words, Jesus and His Father are very active in God’s army. The Holy Spirit is also busy working, for He is behind the Acts of the Apostles - written and unwritten. Mark 16:20 says,
“And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.”
If the Lord who has been glorified and expected to be resting at the right hand of God is still working, then you have no excuse to stop working. One characteristic of a bona fide member of God’s army is that even at old age they are still working - bearing fruit of the Spirit and recruiting more civilians into God’s army (Psalm 92:13- 14). Are you slothful, lazy, or idle? Snap out of it and become a committed soldier of the Cross!
Furthermore, God does not accommodate those with divided loyalty. Your undivided loyalty must be to the Commander-in-Chief alone according to Matthew 10:37. If you share your loyalty between your parents and the Lord, you may be disqualified. Besides, as part of God’s army, you must be focused. There is no room for lack of concentration. If you are driving a truck carrying other soldiers in God’s army, you cannot afford to be distracted (Luke 9:59-62). Too often, believers are distracted and their focus is replaced with someone or something else. God’s soldiers must focus permanently on the commander-in-Chief as He is the source of our victory. Even when situations, contrary winds and circumstances come your way, we must be prepared to keep the Lord as our focus no matter the cost of such an action. Are you easily distracted?