Sunday, 7 July 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 7 July 2013 MIND YOUR CONFESSION By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Sunday 7 July 2013 
By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorise: “Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth” Proverbs 6:2
Read: Numbers 14: 26-31
Bible in one year:  1Timothy 4-6
Prayer point: Most of the things that come our way are products of our confession. Stop calling negative things to yourself!
Every seed sown has its time to speak. There are situations you may find yourself that only your seed will speak for you. At such a time may your account in heaven be found in credit. Some years ago, I had a friend who was a great support to my ministry. While praying one day, the Lord said, ‘Son, your friend is about to die within the next one week in London: go to him now’ I immediately bought a ticket and went to London to see and pray with my friend. It has been over 14 years since that incident and he is still alive because he had some credit with God. This is why irrespective of what anybody says, you cannot afford to be a bench warmer in God’s house. Similarly, I had another friend who was also very supportive. Sometime in 1995, he heard in his ear that he should go and put his house in order because he was about to die. When he told me, I laughed it off because I knew that I could talk it over with my Daddy that I still needed my friend’s support, being so useful to me. More than 16 years after, he still lives. Do you have a solid deposit with the bank of Heaven that you can draw from today? If not, take steps to build one. 
A great lesson to be learnt from the Shunammite woman recorded in 2 Kings 4:18-26 is the need to be careful of what you say especially when going through a trying period. When this woman’s only son died, she was saying ‘All will be well’ and from there graduated to ‘All is well’. And all became well. She did not start to lament over her problem. Be careful with your tongue because it contains the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). Even when good may be coming your way, you can use your tongue to turn it off; your tongue can also become a snare (Proverbs 6:2). No wonder God asked Moses to tell the Israelites that it is what they said into His ears that He will do to them (Numbers 14:28). In those days, when it was difficult for us to make ends meet, I use to tell my wife that things will not continue to be tough for us, and that our tomorrow will be alright. What are you confessing about your tomorrow and today?

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