Wednesday, 13 August 2014



Memorise 2 Corinthians 10:12: For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

Pible passage: 2 Corinthians 10:12-18

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR : MARK 14:43-16:8 and JOB 21:1-16

One of the greatest temptations facing the human race today is that of comparison. Making comparisons about virtually everything has become part of life from childhood to old age. We compare family background, physical appearance, intelligence, character, abilities, endowments, life achievements etc. It has systematically turned life in general to a kind of competition. Even little children are known to tell lies in order to measure up on the comparison scale of their mates. Have you compared yourself to others and didn’t quite measure up? Have you ever thought that you are not as beautiful, handsome, smart, capable, charming, gifted or as godly as your friends? Going into this kind of comparison makes it so easy to think that if you had more or knew more, you would be secure and happy. But as a matter of fact, people who have it all, even the most endowed individuals in the world, still struggle with feelings of insecurity.
In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve in His own image. He blessed them and gave them dominion over all creation. He provided everything that anyone could desire for them. He gave them intimacy and attention, He also gave them beauty, security, significance, and purpose. Nevertheless, Satan confused Eve by giving her feelings of insecurity that pushed her to take her eyes away from her precious inheritance and focus on the forbidden fruit. Comparisons will always make you ignore what you have and focus your attention on what you lack. It will push you to doubt God and yourself, convincing you to seek for solutions outside of God’s provision. By making comparisons, you will become convinced that something is missing in your life and that kicking against God’s commandment will make you be “like God”. The Lord will help you to recognise Satan’s lies and overcome his temptations in Jesus’ Name.
Do not fall for the lies of the devil anymore; learn to refute his temptations with the truth. Always appreciate and thank God for His wonderful provisions and promises. Believe the word of God in Colossians 2:10 that says, you are complete in Him. As you hold on to the word as a weapon against the schemes of the devil in your life, the word of God will work for you in Jesus’ Name.
Prayer Point: Father, please let my focus always be on your provisions and promises in my life with praise and thanksgiving to you.

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