Thursday, 27 February 2014



Yesterday’s message was titled ANGRY WITH GOD. Today’s message is titled “BEFORE YOU GET ANGRY” as given by Pastor E. A. Adeboye in Open Heavens Devotional (Adeboye, 2014). In today’s message, we have been asked to memorise Jeremiah 29:11: "For I [mow the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."  and read  James 4:13-14. The Bible in one year reading for today has been taken from Jeremiah 16 to 17 and Psalm 48.

Quoted below is the message for today. God bless you for your contribution.

"Yesterday we learnt it is not right for us to get angry with God or to take offence against Him, even if we experience the deferment of our hopes. The example of John the Baptist who earlier acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah, but later doubted Him because of his painful experience of incarceration is a warning signpost to us that if care is not taken, following the asking of questions, offence towards God might begin to reside in our heart. Going forward, we need to ask ourselves the question: why do we take offence, get angry or feel irritated by the way God deals with us? We shall look at three answers to this question.

In the first instance, we children of God sometimes tend to overestimate ourselves as human beings (James 4:13-14). Some people of God in olden times realised this, hence Job 25:6 calls man a worm. Whereas God is infinite, man is finite. He is the potter and we are the clay; how true!

Also, we tend to underestimate the sacrifice God has made for us. Though we are but dust and worms, God did give His Son for our redemption — essentially God Himself, the maker of the universe, coming to be conceived in a human womb and be born as human. Not only that, He subjected Himself to the limitations of man and was maltreated by His own creatures; all just for you and me not to perish in hell fire but to be with God forever. Having done all these, He has proved beyond any reasonable doubt He has our best interest at heart, notwithstanding our present situation (John 3:16, John 15:13,1Timothy3:16).

Lastly, it is because we tend to forget that His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). Whatever He is doing, He has our end in view. He is concerned about how we end; after all what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? While looking for a site for our Camp ground, initially it was the old Youth Camp at Ogunmakin (South-West, Nigeria) that we were negotiating for. But in spite of prayers and crying to God to take ownership of it, we had no money to pay. It eventually went to another ministry that was able to pay the required amount. We all wept because of this experience, but God knew what He had in store for us - the Redemption Camp, which is much bigger and in a much better location."

Our action point for today is to praise and thank God for the sacrifice of Jesus for you. Right now resign your will to Him over the current issues of your life.

This morning, as we thank God for not allowing the suffering of Jesus over us to be in vain, I commit every situation that look like a mountain before us to meet with the King of Kings and become our stepping stone to the greatest heights in Jesus name, amen."

Adeboye, E. A. (2014) Open Heavens: A Guide to Close Fellowship with God, Volume 14, 2014. Nigeria: Open Heavens Media Limited


  1. Thank you Awesome God for Jesus! Thank you Jesus for paying the price for us all ! You have called us - a chosen generation,a royal priesthood,a holy nation, His own special people, that we may proclaim the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light 1Pet 2.9. PRAISE GOD !

  2. MAY the LORD heip us know that all things are working for our own good

  3. O lord my God,help me to live by your word and to understand your love towards me HALLELUYAH!!!

  4. I am going through a very sad situation in my life right now and this word just came at the right time to make me know that God's will for me is even better than what I wish myself. Thank you Lord Jesus

  5. The Lord is saying be still and know that I am God! Its hard to do most times but He just just expect you to put aside your doubts and trust him. Just let him take the wheel all He expect from u is Worship

  6. Blessed are those who keep reciting the Prophecy even in the "mid-night" hour! Blessed are those who have sown and sold their hearts over to the WORD which is forever settled in heaven. There shall be a performance to their joy if they faint not!

  7. As mere mortals, we shouldn't even allow it cross our minds or thoughts to get angry with God. We should rather appreciate him because he makes all things beautiful and check ourselves to be sure we are not the cause of our predicament.

  8. This word is so timely because the situations i have found myself for days has been discouraging. I woke up sad but thank God for his word which will give me the Peace and Joy i deserve.

    1. Rejoice and again I say unto you rejoice evermore. Please in all situations I urge you to rejoice evermore and give God What He deserves(Praises and Thanksgiving). I decree according to word of God(Ps 23: 1-6), Let there be a table of Glory, Joy, Miracles, Peace, Divine Favour, Laughter etc. prepared before you in the presence of your enemies in Jesus name. Let the God of Pastor E.A Adeboye discomfit and utterly destroy every source of your predicament in Jesus name. God Bless You, from your beloved brother in Rivers Province 2.

  9. Thank you our daddy that kept us alive from the beginnig of this year ,who kept His promises that we will not die, who has charged His Angels to watch over us from the begining of the first month of the year to the end of the second month of this year ,what can we say but
    to give you praise and worship your Holy name.Father even as we don't know what to be angry for, we even forget that your ways are no
    t ours and to the extent of given your only son to take away the sins of
    the world even came in form of human to die for us, father have mercy
    and forgive us and give us wisdom to be wise in doing and thinking and also to open our spiritual eyes to see you when you are around and open our ear to hear you when you speak to us and not to walk in our own understanding 'Lord we pray In Jesus precious name Amen.
