Do you want to win one of several $500 cash prizes?
Do you want to talk one-on-one (via skype) to one of the following AI researchers:
* Murray Campbell (Senior Manager, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
* Eric Horvitz (Managing Director, Microsoft Research)
* Peter Norvig (Director of Research, Google)
* Stuart Russell (Professor, University of California at Berkeley) or
* Michael Wooldridge (Head of the CS Department, University of Oxford)?
The ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (ACM SIGAI) supports the development and responsible application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. An increasing number of AI technologies now affect our lives (or soon will), from intelligent assistants to self driving cars. As a result, AI technologies are often in the news and a number of organizations (including the U.S.
government) are trying to ensure that AI technologies are being used for the maximum benefit of society. As with all potentially transformative technologies (such as the automobile and the transistor), there is some uncertainty about exactly how the future will look like and how it should best be shaped to harness the power of AI technologies while avoiding any drawbacks or misuses. ACM SIGAI is in a unique position to shape the conversation around these issues.
ACM SIGAI is interested in obtaining input from students worldwide to help shape this debate. We therefore invite all student members to enter an essay in the ACM SIGAI Student Essay Contest, to be published in the ACM SIGAI newsletter “AI Matters,” answering the following questions while providing supporting evidence:
What do you see as the 1-2 most pressing ethical, social or regulatory issues with respect to AI technologies? What position or steps can governments, industries or organizations (including ACM SIGAI) take to address these issues or shape the discussions on them?
Please find all details in the ACM SIGAI AI Matters blog (
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