Check out this Healthy diets and nutrition tips for women from help
Eating well is one of the best ways you can take care of yourself and those who depend on you. What you eat makes a big difference in the way you look and feel. A healthy diet gives you energy, supports your mood, maintains your weight, and can be a huge support through the different stages in life. Healthy food can help reduce PMS, boost fertility, combat stress, make pregnancy and nursing easier, and ease symptoms of menopause. Whatever your age, committing to a healthy diet will help you look and feel your best so that you can enjoy life.
Good nutrition for women of all ages
When it comes to improving your diet or trying to manage your weight, it’s important to remember that our bodies respond differently to different foods, depending on genetics and other health factors. Finding the diet that works for you can take some time and experimentation, but instead of obsessing over specific foods or nutrients, focus more on your overall eating habits. Diets low in sugar, refined carbs, and fried food and high in fruit, vegetables, healthy fats, and high quality sources of protein can help you look and feel your best at any age.
Cut down on sugar and refined carbs
Unlike complex carbs that are rich in fiber, refined or simple carbs (such as white rice or white flour) can lead to a dramatic spike in blood sugar, followed by a rapid crash which leaves you feeling hungry and prone to overeating.
Many women consume more sugar and refined carbs than is healthy, but reducing the amount of starches, candy, and desserts is only part of the solution. Sugar is hidden in foods as diverse as canned soups and vegetables, pasta sauce, margarine, frozen dinners, and many foods labelled “low fat” or “reduced fat.” All this hidden sugar contributes zero nutrients but lots of empty calories that can cause mood swings and wreck any healthy diet.
Slowly reduce the sugar in your diet a little at a time. You’ll give your taste buds time to adjust and be able to wean yourself off the craving for sweets and sugary food.
Replace refined carbs with complex carbs such as oatmeal, brown rice, beans, fruit, vegetables, and other high fiber foods. You’ll feel fuller, more satisfied, and have more energy.
Check labels and opt for “sugar-free” or “no added sugar” products. Use fresh or frozen ingredients instead of canned goods, and avoid fast food meals.
Don’t replace fat with carbs. Manufacturers often replace healthy sources of saturated fat, such as whole fat yogurt, with low-fat versions that are packed with sugar or artificial sweetener to make up for the loss in taste.
Avoid soda, energy, and sweetened coffee drinks. One can of soda contains 10-12 teaspoons of sugar and around 150 calories. Switching to diet soda isn’t the answer, as artificial sweetener can trigger sugar cravings that contribute to weight gain. Instead, try switching to carbonated water with lemon or a splash of juice.
Tips to control cravings and boost energy
In addition to limiting refined carbs and sugary foods, there are eating habits that can have a major effect on your food cravings, stress levels, and energy throughout the day.
Eat breakfast. People who eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who skip it. A solid breakfast gets your metabolism going in the morning and provides energy for the day.
Eat regularly. Going too long between meals can make you feel irritable and tired, so support your body’s natural cycle of energy by eating a substantial breakfast, a nutritious lunch, an afternoon snack to compensate for the body’s natural low point, and a light early dinner.
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