Tuesday 8 April 2014

DIVINE CALL - 9/4/2014

DIVINE CALL - 9/4/2014

Yesterday’s message was titled “THE BREVITY OF TIME ”. Today’s message is titled “DIVINE CALL” as provided by Pastor E. A. Adeboye in Open Heavens Devotional (Adeboye, 2014). In today’s message, we have been asked to memorise Matthew 11:29  "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. " and read Matthew 11 :28-30 . The Bible in one year for today has been taken from Daniel 4:34 to Daniel 6:28 and Psalm 78:17-39.(Adeboye, 2014).

Quoted below is  today's message for our usual discussion

"A call is an invitation to something higher than an individual and there are two parties involved in it; these are the caller and the called. A classic example of the divine call is what we find in Matthew 1 1:28-29. Here God is the caller and the called is all men. This is a call unto salvation; it is universal in scope. It hinges on John 3:16. It is a call from the heart of God, out of deep concern for man to not self-destruct. He calls out to man, telling them that He has provided a means of escape from the wrath to come. It is popularly said: to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Only the wise would get prepared when warned ahead of danger. It is amazing how some who are considered to be wise and intelligent in this world by their level of education prove to be foolish when it comes to the divine warning on the destruction of man, unless he receives the divine call to salvation.

Congratulations to those who have received the divine call to salvation, for they are the children of the Most High God. They are in favour with the ultimate decider of the fate of men. They are now heirs of God and joint heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ. We all must understand that within the larger group of those that have received the universal basic call to salvation are some who are called for some specific purpose. Such includes those called to service as Pastors, Apostles, Evangelists, Prophets and Missionaries to specific locations, etc. Although you may not be so called, you should not be ignorant of the fact that some other divine calls are general to us all

Every one of us is called to pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The business of prayer is not to be left to a group of prayer warriors. Every one of us is called to watch (Matthew 24:42). You are called as a child of God to be on your toes and not to be careless. Not heeding this call can be disastrous. This will not be your experience in Jesus‘ Name. Also, every one of us is called to fast (Matthew 9:14-15). There is no provision in the word of God for prayer and fast contracting. Besides, we are all called to be of helps to our leaders, particularly in prayers (1 Thessalonians 5:25, 2 Corinthians 10:1 1). Every one of us is called to win souls (Mark 16:15). Note that those who will survive in the time of trouble are soul winners. We all are called to be generous (Luke 6:38). Finally, every one of is called to holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:7). "

Today's action point is to thank God for the salvation of your soul. If you are not yet saved, kneel down now and call upon the Lord as a sinner for salvation.

God bless you all for your contribution to this forum



  1. Thank you oh Lord! It is not uncommon today to hear name calling , such as, holy holy, holier-than thou, SU, pastor, etc, simply because one is endeavouring to walk the "narrow lane". But when you look around to identify those doing the name calling, you discover that they are all members of "christian organizations"! In practical terms, those folks want us to believe that not all are called to walk with God. One wonders what bible theyread!

  2. May God help us to pray, fast, watch, give generously, win souls, and be holy. My greatest challenge is the ability to pray for erring leaders but since this is a command I will continue, God helping me. Thanks for this blog. Inspirational!!!!!!!

  3. Thank you Jesus for the salvation of my soul, Jesus please help me to walk all the way with you.
    Grant us all the grace to heed to your divine call

  4. Joseph Oyolola9 April 2014 at 04:38

    "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light": 1 Peter 2:9. Thank you JESUS for saving my soul!
