Wednesday, 9 January 2013

RCCG Open Heavens Devotional Wednesday 9 January 2013: DON’T BE CAUGHT IN THIS! by Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Memorize: But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.   2 Timothy 3: 13

Read: 2 Timothy 3: 1-5

Bible in one year: Proverbs 29 – 31

Prayer Point:  Father, as Daniel was undefiled at a time most people chose to compromise, keep me underfiled in this polluted, evil world.

The result you get in life is a function of the strategies or ideologies you implement If you must get the desired result, then you must not use the old ting to deal with new battles. It will surely fail, if you doubt this, ask David and Jesus. During my university if there was a riot, the worst we did was to pluck tree branches, sing and dance. We also barricade the gates so nobody would come in or go out. In those days, people who Joined secret societies on campus were there to drink palm wine and make fun of girls. The greatest distraction students had then was the television box which could be controlled. But today, it's a different ball game entirely. Student protests have taken a frightening  dimension. Secret cults have become a societal malaise replete with rape, gangsterism, killings and unimaginable terror. When it's lights out at home and the television is off living room, the iPads, laptops, and android devices are working with the internet virtually all through the night bedrooms of children and wards. Children are freely surfing ungodly sites and becoming something else at home and in the society.
To handle the challenges of today, you need fresh and contemporary strategies or else you will at best be scratching the surface of the problem through palliative measures. Such practices today have not only gone nuclear, but also computerised. In the past, there were s you could buy x-rated materials. They were not available everywhere. When such materials were bought, were carefully hid. But today, porno sites are so readily available that they are deliberately sent to people’s e-mail addresses. People have to repeatedly delete such rubbish from their e-mail boxes. Unfortunately, some fall prey and before long, begin to go from one porno site to another.. This has taken masturbation to another dimension leading to all kinds of sexual sins, even among ministers- What kind of controls have you put in place to check your children or wards from the insanity that is the world today? Remember, you are accountable for your life and those the Lord has given to surely need the new anointing!

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